A person sitting and coding

The popularity of Coding has IMMENSELY escalated over the past few years, as a Profession aswell as a Passion, it has transformed from something being used in machines, computer games and electronic devices to
Something that shapes the modern world we live in

Pretty much every peice of Modern Machinery uses a Line of code. As the number of use cases will grow, so will the job opportunies related to tech. This means that now is the right time to learn Programming to stay ahead of the curve

What is Coding ?

To start with, we need to define what coding is. Most programmers would agree that coding is: "The art of writing commands in a way that machines can understand inorder to execute a task".
This definition is indefinite. In the real world, this definition alters as the use case for coding or end goal alters.

Let's look at this in detail. A web developer or a person who builds responsive webpages uses the art of Coding to make beautiful and responsive websites. In this sense, Code creates the best website possible.

However, A DataScientist would write code inorder to get him insight on the data. In this case, Coding is used to produce predictions, analysis and insights with the given data.
Computer Coding

Although this is entirely different from making websites, It is still coding, because we are still writing peices of text that the tells the machine what to do.

Why should I learn to code?

As noted above, Coding is a new, yet exciting field that opens up a world of opportunities to those who are willing to learn it. Learning to code isn't hard - especially when you compare it to skills and degrees required to get the most paid jobs.

Code Testing
Studies prooved that, The average person can learn programming as a whole, write and read code in just a couple of weeks. As a wise person once said - The fruit of harwork is sweet. A few months of brushing up your coding skills will leave you fluent in atleast one programming language.

Recommended read - How does the brain interpret computer languages?

A few reasons with respect to "Why you should learn to code":

  • Coding is ENJOYABLE! Think about it, Having the skills to build websites from just a blank document, To be able to create mobile and computer games, To be able to make virual robots. Learning to code means being able to make all of this in a more fun and engaging way.
  • Coding provides Job Security The skill of coding is in high demand and will be throughout the modern world. Having the skill of coding under your belt could lead you to being popular in the eyes of hiring companies. Imagine being a pantheon, Having a private office and A high pay. All of these privileges would be at your door if you learn to code. It is noteworthy that "Coding provides Job Security despite your Education and degree".
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Have a look at the Buzz Newsletter by the Buzz News Channel

Getting Started with Coding

Although Coding is relatively easy compared to a dozen of other skills, it is still something that scares the most of us.

Why does coding scare us? Well, it is pretty simple, because of the environment around you, the thoughts you think after looking at code for the first time. At first glance, learning to code seems very very difficult. How do you tackle this? Follow our step by step guide. Synthesised by a team of coders on stackoverflow, This guide will surely help you to learn coding easily, and in no time.

Step-1: "Why do you want to Code"Confused Face

Define what you'll do using the skill of coding - Before even thinking about enrolling for courses or watching Youtube tutorials, ask yourself "Why do you want to code? What will you do with the skill of coding?" Take a deep breathe, and think about what you hope to get out of this,

Consider asking yourself this :-

  • What sort of skills would you want to end up with? Do you want to be a Website developer? Or perhaps a Software Developer? You will need to think about this because this will largely dictate the languages you learn ahead
  • Why did you land on this page? Is the urge of learning to code simply caused by a passion, Will coding be something you will do in your spare time? Or is programming something that you would like to build a career in?

Identify and store your objective, These will quickly provide you with the basis of your journey

Step-2: "Choosing the right language"

After you have indentified your goals, or rather What will you do as a programmer, It is all downtown.

Different types of programming fields require different skills. For example, If you choose to become a Web Developer, you should learn HTML,CSS and Javascript. Similarly, if you choose to be a Software Engineer, You should learn either Java(Android, Computer), Swift(iOS) or C++(Computer). In this step, we'll help you decide which language should you learn.

Use the above tool to pick a language according to use case and attributes

Step-3: "Learning from the right resources"

When it comes to learning, None of us want to compromise. There are mainly 3 modes of learning:

Online Courses



Online Courses 

Online Courses are perhaps the Standard way of learning in today's world. Online Courses are reliable and most of them are affordable. They provide the perfect balance of Hands-on, Case-studies and Learning. Here are some of the platforms we suggest:

Top Rated Courses(2021)

demy 9.6    Visit

Pros: Very Low Price, starts at 10$
Cons: Certification not valid for job

Coursera 9.2    Visit

Pros: Highly demanded Certificate
Cons: Can get a bit pricier based on your learning pace

DataCamp 8.7    Visit

Pros: Very Interactive
Cons: No Accredited Certificate

How we judge platforms

These are some of the courses that are top rated in the society. Ofcourse there are many platforms out there that have the same rating, but out of experience we think this is the best ones out there

NOTE: None of the entities mentioned sponsor this website. It is out of performance that these are being mentioned.

TextBooks and Documents 

TextBooks and Documents are the Old Fashioned way of learning. However, TextBooks can be your greatest power if you have former experience with them. The reason you should avoid them is because they make you look at coding in a certain perspective, the author's .Nonetheless, TextBooks are a great source of learning. However, Documents can be called the Source from where everyone learns, they are written by the language developers and cover each and every concept supported by the language. They can be called the 'Last line of defence'. You will surely come across various Documents during your journey. For programmers like us, Documents are inevitable.

Self Learning 

How to learn coding by yourself? By Self learning we don't mean learning alone, we mean learning for FREE. Self learning isn't easy, and if you're in for the challenge, you'll end up getting much more than just being able to code. You'll need three things to learn by yourself :- A knowledge well, A way to practise , A doubt-solver

Youtube can be a great way of *learning* to code, Just ensure that you don't give up saying, "Coding isn't meant for me, I don't even understand what he's saying". To be honest, you wouldn't come across a programmer who hasn't been at your place. Just to keep you motivated, Drink Coffee, After all, You'll convert coffee to code. Next, you'll need somewhere to clear doubts. Stackoverflow is what 99% of programmers reffer to. You can Ask, Answer and reffer to already asked questions. Stackoverflow promotes the use of Open-Source. Lastly, let's get you the real weapons, An IDE(Integrated Development Environment). At first, IDEs can be a bit tricky to use, we recommend having someone teach you to navigate through a IDE but overtime you realise programming could be a World of confusion without IDEs. Visual Studio Code supports majority of languages, but incase it doesn't support the language you are learning, there are always alterntives.